Thursday 8 February 2018

Agriculture Geography Question Bank

1) Name the major factors which significantly influence the method of cultivation in India?
2)   Why Jhumming is a primitive subsistence farming in India?
3) 'Slash and burn' agriculture is practice only in India. Do you agree with it?
4)   Can you name some primitive agricultural farming practiced in South-East Asia?
5)   Even though irrigation facilities and bio-chemical inputs increased production then why it is also called intensive subsistence farming in densely populated regions?
6)   Give at least one example of crops which may be commercial in one region and may provide subsistence in another region?
7)   Briefly explain how plantation has an interface of agriculture and industry.
8)   Name some crops of commercial farming.
9)   Give an idea about Zaid season in India.
10)   Give the reason for success of rabi crops in North Western India.
11)   Explain briefly the pattern of paddy crops in Odisha and West Bengal.
12)   Discuss the climatic suitability for rice cultivation.
13)   Name the major wheat growing zones in the country.
14)   What are coarse grains?
15)   The crop has largest production after rice and wheat with maximum production in Maharashtra. It is a rain fed crop mostly grown in moist areas. Discover the most suitable crop according to above conditions.
16)   As coarse grains have high nutritional value than rice and wheat then why it is not widely cultivated and consumed in India?
17)   Maize is not a solely kharif crop in India. Do you agree?
18)   Find out the importance of pulses in agricultural pattern in India.
19)   Briefly discuss the status of oilseed cultivation in India.
20)   Mention the climatic conditions require for tea cultivation.
21)   What is leguminous crops?
22)   Which type of plantation agriculture significantly found in Nilgiri region of Southern India?
23)   Write down the climatic conditions required for rubber cultivation.
24)   Some fiber crops are not directly produced from tree. Name one of such cropping activity in India.
25)   Name one fibre crop cultivates in Kharif season in India.
26)   Give any two examples of institutional reforms in agriculture sector in India.
27)   Write a very short note on 'White revolution' in Indian context.
28)   Draw the significance of Bhoodan Andolan in Agriculture sector in India.
29)   Why declining share of agriculture in the GDP is now a serious concern?
30)   Agriculture sector is not a lucrative profession then what alternative opportunity you can suggest in the Agriculture sector to retain the farmers in this sector? 
31) Discuss significant characteristics of rice cultivation in India. Or Describe four important characteristics of rice cultivation in India
32)   Why is subsistence agriculture still practiced in certain parts of the country? Give three reasons.
33)   What are the significant geo-climatic conditions necessary for tea cultivation? Or State any three geographical conditions required for tea cultivation.
34) c     The land under cultivation has got reduced day by day. Can you imagine its consequences?
35)   Analyse Kharif and Rabi crop through different parameters. Or Differentiate between kharif and rabi crops.
36)   What are the differences between subsistence agriculture and commercial agriculture?
37)   Explain any three institutional reforms carried out by the government to improve agricultural production in India.
38)   Name one important beverage crop and specify the geographical conditions required for its growth.
39) List the rice producing regions in India. Or Name one staple crop of India and the regions where it is produced? 
40) Enlist the various institutional reforms programmes introduced by the government in the interest of the farmers
41)   Discuss the Jhumming Cultivations practiced in different parts of the world. 
42)   Explain any four characteristics of commercial farming in India.
43)   Which crop is known as the "golden fibre"? Explain two geographical conditions essential for the cultivation of this crop. Mention its any four uses. Or What is known as "golden fibre"? Where is it grown in India and why? Describe various uses of this fibre.
44) Study the given diagram and answer the questions given below  (i) Which crop is used for making the goods listed in the diagram? (ii) Which types of goods occupy the highest percentage? (iii) Mention any one climatic condition required for the growth of this crop. (iv) Name any two major producing states of this crop.
45) Describe any four features of agriculture in India.
46) Name the two most important staple food crops of India. Name the states where they are produced. Write the geographical conditions required for their growth.
47)   Suggest some measures which should be taken by the government to increase agricultural production besides those that are being taken.
48)   What is the main contribution of agriculture to the national economy? Explain any three steps taken by the Government of India to modernize agriculture.
49)   Is literacy necessary for successful farming? Give reasons.
50) Describe the impact of globalisation on Indian agriculture.
51) Describe the geographical conditions required for the growth of rice.
52) A newspaper report last year stated "In what has been called the single largest wave of recorded suicides in human history, Indian farmers are now killing themselves in record numbers. It has been extensively reported, even in mainstream news, but nothing has been done about the issue. The cause? Monsanto's cost-inflated and ineffective seeds have been driving farmers to suicide and is considered to be one of the largest ... causes of the quarter of a million farmer suicides over the past 16 years." What do you think caused these suicides? What steps should the government have taken before the seeds were used by farmers, so that this would not Come to pass?
53) A recent news report states "Soon, the state's agriculture department will provide direct cash subsidy to farmers through its various schemes. The major schemes will be supply of micro-nutrients on which the farmers get 75 per cent subsidy. Subsidy of 50 per cent is also provided on different pesticides. Another major subsidy given by the agriculture department is on various types of seeds. The department also provides subsidy of 50 per cent on various agricultural implements such as cultivator, harrow, leveller, thresher, sowing cap, fan, etc. Subsidy of ? 45000 is also provided on the purchase of tractors to small and marginal farmers." Why do the state governments give so many subsidies to the farmers? Is there not a better method for solving the farmers' problems?
54)   Tea cultivation is mainly confined to North-Eastern States of India while the coffee cultivation is confined to South-Western states of India. Explain the Statement.
55)   Suggest the initiatives taken by the government to ensure the increase in agricultural production.
56)   Discuss the reason for which our agricultural sector is dominated by intensive subsistence farming.
57)   Discuss cropping pattern in India. Give atleast two examples of crops from each cropping seasons. Or What are different cropping seasons in India, explain with at least two examples from each? 
58) Mention the sowing period of kharif crops.
59)   Mention the growing and harvesting season for rabi crops. 
60)   List the various institutional reform programmers introduced by the government in the interest of formers. 
61) (a) Two states A and B are shown on the map of India given below. Identify them with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map. (i) A state which is a major producer of a staple crop A state which is a major producer of a fibre crop grown on black soil (b) On the map of India given below, identify and label the states from their descriptions given below (i) The major Bajra producing state (ii) The state which is the major producer of coffee. 
62)   (a) Two states A and B are shown on the map of India given below. Identify them with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map. (i) A state which is a major producer of a cash crop. (ii) A state which is a major producer of a fodder crop. (b) On the map of India given below, identify and label the states from their descriptions given below (i) A major tea producing state. (ii) The state which is the leading producer of rubber.
63)     (a) Two states A and B are shown on the map of India given below. Identify them with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map. (a) A state which is a major producer of a beverage crop A state which is a major producer of a millet crop (b) On the map of India given below, identify and label the states from their descriptions given below (i) The leading state producer of sugarcane (ii)Largest jute producing state
64)   Find out the following regions in Indian Map. (a) 'Dipa' primitive subsistence farming. (b) Coffee plantation (c) Tea cultivation (d) Rubber cultivation (e) Green revolution region (f) White revolution region     68'______72"______76"______80'_____ Write the answers in appropriate marking spots. 
65) Why is India called an agrarian country?
66)   What is primitive subsistence agriculture?
67)   On what factors does primitive subsistence farming depend?
68)   What is 'slash and burn' agriculture?
69)   What is Jhumming?
70)   What is Intensive Subsistence farming?
71)   How are farmers in India able to take maximum output from uneconomical lands also?
72)   What is the main characteristic of commercial farming?
73)   What is plantation farming?
74)   Name the important plantation crops grown in India.
75)   Which factors are playing an important role in development of plantation?
76)   Which main cropping patterns are followed in India?
77)   When are rabi crops grown?
78)   Which crops are grown in rabi season?
79)   In which regions are rabi crops mostly grown?
80)   Which factors help in the production of rabi crops in North and North western regions of India?
81)   When are kharif crops grown?
82)   Which are the important kharif crops?
83)   Which are the major rice growing areas of India?
84)   In which states of India are three crops of paddy grown?
85)   What is Zaid Season?
86)   Which crops are grown during Zaid season?
87)   What climatic conditions are required for the rice crop?
88)   How are regions with less rainfall able to grow rice?
89)   What are the climatic requirements for wheat?
90)   Which are the two important wheat growing zones of India?
91)   Which are the major wheat producing states of India?
92)   Which important millets are grown in India?
93)   What do you know about the millet, jowar?
94)   In which states is jowar grown?
95)   What do you know about the ragi crop?
96)   Which regions are known for ragi production?
97)   In which states is crop bajra grown?
98)   What temperature is needed for maize?
99)   Which factors contribute for increasing production of maize?
100)   Name the major maize producing states of India.
101)   Name the major pulses grown in India.
102)   Why are pulses grown in rotation with other crops?
103)   What are the climatic conditions required for sugarcane production?
104)   Name the major sugarcane producing states of India.
105)   What are the main oil seeds produced in India?
106)   What are the uses of oil produced from oil seeds?
107)   Name the states producing groundnut?
108)   Who introduced tea cultivation in India?
109)   What climatic conditions are required for tea cultivation?
110)   Name the major tea producing states of India.
111)   What quality of coffee is produced in India?
112)   In which region is coffee produced in India?
113)   In which states are mangoes and bananas grown?
114)   What are the climatic conditions required for rubber production?
115)   In which regions of India is rubber grown?
116)   Which are the major fibre crops of India?
117)   How is silk fibre produced?
118)   How is cotton associated with India?
119)   What are the climatic conditions for the growth of cotton plant?
120)   Which are the major cotton producing states of India?
121)   Which fibre is known golden fibre?
122)   In which regions is Jute grown?
123)   What are the uses of Jute?
124)   Why is jute loosing its importance?
125)   Why do we need serious technical and institutional reforms in agriculture?
126)   Which institutional reforms were introduced for farmers?
127)   Which two revolutions, revolutionized Indian agriculture?
128)   Which steps were taken by Indian government for a comprehensive land development programme?
129)   Which schemes were introduced by government for the benefit of farmers?
130)   What role is played by government to check the implantation of farmers by speculators and middlemen?
131)   What is the share of agriculture in Gross Domestic Product?
132)   What efforts were made by Indian Government to improve Indian agriculture for its contribution in GDP?
133)   Why is growth rate in agriculture declining? 
134)   Why is India called an agricultural country?
135)   What is primitive subsistence farming?
136)   What is 'slash and burn' agriculture?
137)   Describe the three cropping seasons of India.
138)   Which important millets are grown in India? Give a brief description about them.
139)     What do you know about rubber plantation in India?
140)   What climatic conditions are required for growing cotton?
141)   What efforts are made by the government to modernize agriculture?
142)   Why do you think there is an enormous pressure on agricultural land?
143)   Write any three changes in Indian agriculture after the Green Revolution.
144)   Differentiate between commercial farming and plantation farming.
145)   What is the contribution of agriculture to the national economy, employment and output?
146)   How is commercial farming practiced in India?
147)   Which oilseeds are grown in India?
148)   What do you know about the production of jute fibre in India?
149)   What do you understand by 'Bhoodan' and 'Gramdan'? 
150)   Distinguish between primitive subsistence farming and intensive subsistence farming.
151)   What type of climate is required for the production of sugarcane? What are the by-products of sugarcane?
152)   Describe in brief the technological and institutional reforms which led to the Green Revolution and White Revolution.
153)   Give the characteristics of a crop used both as food and fodder.
154)   What geographical conditions are required for tea cultivation? State the major tea producing states.
155)   What is the impact of globalization on agriculture?
156)   Give main characteristics of intensive subsistence farming.
157)   What type of farming is called plantation farming? Which factors are needed to promote them in India?
158)   Give a brief description of the staple crop of Peninsular India.
159)   What geographical conditions are needed for the second most important cereal crop of India? Name some regions where it is grown.
160)   How can you say that 'Indian is the largest producer as well as the consumer of pulses in the world'?
161)   Give some main characteristics of coffee crop.
162)   What does 'Horticulture' mean? Which crops are grown under horticulture in India? 
163)   By what name is Jhumming known as in the Himalayan belt? (a) Milpa (b) Khil (c) Kuruwa (d) Penda
164)   What is 'Bror'? (a) Kharif crop (b) Zaid crop (c) Rabi crop (d) None of these
165)   Jhumming in Brazil is called: (a) Lanang (b) Masole (c) Roca (d) None of these
166)   Which is a rain fed crop? (a) Jowar (b) Bajra (c) Ragi (d) None of these
167)   What are gunny bags made of? (a) Jute (b) Cotton (c) Silk (d) None of these
168)   What was the 'Gramdan'? (a) Gifting of pulses (b) Distribution of village (c) Donation (d) None of these
169)   Which out of the following places is famous for oranges? (a) Bihar (b) Himachal Pradesh (c) Nagpur (d) Maharashtra
170)   The cotton textile industry of ____________ flourished due to the availability of quantity cotton in India. (a)Manchester (b) Australia (c) Sri Lanka (d) Maharashtra
171)   Bhoodan-Gramdan movement is also known as: (a) Green Revolution (b) Milk Revolution (c) Blood-less Revolution (d) None of these     
172)   What are the main principles of democracy?
173)   Why was the minority French speaking community relatively rich and powerful?
174)   What were the causes of conflict in Belgium?
175)   What preferences were given to the Sinhalese?
176)   How did the Tamils make efforts to gain power in Sri Lanka?
177)   What was so special about the 'community government' in Belgium?
178)   What are the similarities and differences between Sri Lankan and Belgian ways of power sharing?
179)   Why has the idea of power sharing emerged?
180)   What does 'Ethnic' mean?
181)   What does 'Majoritarianism' mean? 
182) What do you mean by horizontal distribution of power?
183)   What is vertical division of power?
184)   Why is power sharing desirable? Give its moral and prudential reasons.
185)   How was majoritarianism in Sri Lanka practiced?
186)   What factors led to a civil war in Sri Lanka?
187)   How did the Belgium government solve its ethnic problem?
188)   What was the ethnic composition of Belgium?
189)   What was the ethnic composition of Sri Lanka?
190)   What kind of power sharing problems were faced by Belgians and Sri Lankans?
191)   "Power is shared between different social groups." Comment on this statement with the help of an example.
192)   Why is power sharing desirable?
193)   How Belgian leaders took a different path in accommodating various ethnic groups? 
194)   Most Sinhala-speakers follow _______. (a) Christianity (b) Islam (c) Buddhism (d) Hinduism
195)   The Civil War in Sri Lanka was caused due to: (a) Distrust between Sinhala and Tamils (b) Distrust between Indian Tamils and native Tamils (c) Distrust between Tamils and Sinhala (d) None of these
196)   Why is power sharing regarded as good? (a) Reduces social conflict (b) Reduces poverty (c) Maximizes wealth (d) Provides employment
197)   Tyranny of the ________, is not just oppressive for the minority; it often brings ruin to the majority. (a) Ruler (b) Majority (c) State (d) None of these
198)   In a democracy, political power should be: (a) Collected (b) Non-existent (c) Distributed (d) None of these
199)   Power is shared among different _______ of the government. (a) Organs (b) Levels (c) Social groups (d) Both (a) and (b)
200)   The other name for regional governments in India: (a) Provincial governments (b) State governments (c) Community governments (d) None of these
201)   Which out of the following has a community government kind of power sharing arrangement? (a) Sri Lanka (b) India (c) Belgium (d) France   
202) Is India an agrarian country?
203) Why has Indian agriculture started a declining trend in food production? Explain.
204) Why is subsistence agriculture still practiced in certain parts of the country? Give reasons.
205) Suggest the initiative taken by the government to ensure the increase in agricultural production.
206) How did partition of the country in 1947 affect the jute industry?
207) Why do we need to have technical and institutional reforms in India?

208) Is India an agrarian country?

Water Resources Question Bank

1) Water from dirty ponds and Sewages evaporates and becomes cloud in the sky then rains as pure water into lakes/ponds. Taking this situation into account, in which type of resource you may put water?
2) Even though three-fourth of the earth is water and water is a renewable resource, then why it is predicted that by 2025, nearly 2 billion people will live in absolute water scarcity?
3) Some places have sufficient amount of water in the surrounding but still faces water scarcity. What do you conclude from this situation?
4) What is the most important benefit of 'Hydrological cycle'? 
5)   Delhi gets average annual rainfall of 75 cm but is the largest urban area in India. This year monsoon is weak and what would be the effect on Delhi?
6) What are the source of freshwater on earth?
7)   A region having annual rainfall of 75 cm but contains 1 lakh rural popultion and another region having 125 cm rainfall but is an urban area with 50 lakh population. Which area you think may face water scarcity?
8) Hydroelectric power contributes about 22 per cent of its total energy produced in India, why it is not increased as its neighbours have more then 30% hydel powers?
9) How agriculture sector contribute to depletion of fresh water in India?
10) Do you think now, rivers have enough fresh water for human consumption?
11) What will be the consequences, if the fresh water is not conserved now?   Or What are the benefits of fresh water conservation?
12)   Name an ancient large hydraulic structure built in the 1st century BC in North India?
13)   Name the hydraulic structure that obstruct the flowing water and regulate the flow for constructive purpose?
14) What is the importance of Hirakud Project?
15)   Which is popularly termed as The Temples of Modern India'?
16)   Give one negative consequence of damming on aquatic creatures? Or How Dams affect negatively on living organism?
17)   How dams results land degradation, give one example?
18)   How irrigation changed the cropping pattern in India?
19)   Name some hydroelectric projects on Damodar River Basin.
20)   Recently inter-state river water disputes increased significantly. Why so?
21) Gujarat and Maharashtra has many river water dams and reservoirs but these states were flooded extensively in 2006. What was the reason?
22) Besides flood and sedimentation, what are the other negative consequences of Multi-purpose Projects?
23) In Kerala it is now in news that some regions have their ground water contaminated and small rivers have already polluted due to industrialisation. What solution do you offer the local people to counter consequent drinking water problem?
24) Cherrapunji gets more than 1100 cm rainfall annually but only 55 km away Shillong gets only about 100 cm rainfall and consequently faces water scarcity, why so contrast?
25) What are the benefits of constructing . tankas in Rajasthan?
26)   Let's consider two rivers Yamuna and Suryu flows in the same state of Madhya Pradesh. Yamuna is flowing with sharp gradient/slope of 1/20 meter where as Suru is flowing on gentle slope of 1/200m. Then which river is best suitable for construction of dam for hydroelectric purpose?

27)   Give one agrument in favour of Multi-Purpose project.
28)   Which is the first State to make mandatory for all house holder to harvest roof top rain water?
29)   What are 'Guls' or 'Kuls'?
30)   Why people oppose the big hydroelectric projects in India?
31) Explain three reasons for multi-purpose projects and large dams coming under great scrutiny and opposition.
32) What are the benefits of conservation of water? Or Give three reasons to justify the need to conserve water.
33)   Why is the scarcity of water increasing day by day in India? Explain any three reasons. Or Explain any four reasons responsible for water scarcity in India.
34)   Give two reasons why rainwater harvesting is important in India. Name two states which practice rainwater harvesting in India.
35) What were the reasons for launching multi-purpose river projects in India after independence?
36)     (a) What is shown in the picture? (b) In which area of India is such a system for water usage found? (c) What is the material used for transporting water in this system? (d) What is the source of this water?
37)   Explain how water becomes a renewable resource.
38)   Define Water scarcity and its causes? Or What is water scarcity and what are its main causes?
39) Analyse the Pros and Cons of Multipurpose projects. Or Compare the advantages and disadvantages of multi-purpose river projects.
40) Why are different water harvesting systems considered a viable alternative to both socioeconomically and environmentally tally in a country like India.
41)   How do increasing number of industries exert pressure on existing fresh water resources?
42)   What is the reason behind Krishna-Godavari water dispute? Name the multi-purpose river valley project constructed on River Krishna. 
43) Describe the working of the rooftop rainwater harvesting being practiced in India.
44)     Multi-purpose projects are 'Temples of Modern India', Justify. Or Explain Mr Jawaharlal Nehru's statement that dams are 'Temples of Modern India'.
45) What are inter-state water disputes? Why are such issues raised? Give some examples of such disputes.
46)   Construction of the Rihand dam has displaced people living in the area, who accepted their sufferings as a sacrifice for the sake of their nation. But now, after thirty bitter years of being adrift, their livelihood having even become more precarious, they keep asking: "Are we the only ones chosen to make sacrifices for the nation?"   Do you think that their complaint is justified? If so, what should the government have done at that time, so that this would not come to pass?
47)   A recent newspaper report states, "With Tamil Nadu and Karnataka failing to agree on how much Kaveri water should be released by Karnataka, the Supreme Court will now decide whether Tamil Nadu's plea for the release of 30 thousand million cubic feet of water between Dec 1 and 15 is feasible." Why do the state governments have disputes which reach the Supreme Court? Is there not a better method for solving such disputes which are acceptable to all?
48)   Discuss how is rainwater harvesting in semi-arid regions of Rajasthan carried out.
49) Describe how are modern adaptations of traditional rainwater harvesting methods being carried out to conserve and store water?
50) Why is ground water a highly overused resource? Or Discuss the reason for over-exploitation of ground water.
51)   Punjab is a state with average annual rainfall of 75 cm but flow with 5 big rivers. Now, green revolution practiced intensively in the state. After 1990s 3 million plus cities are developed in the state and growing rapidly. What would be the state of health of water resource in the state after next 15 year?
52)   Ground water is depleting day by day, rivers are now toxicated and rain water harvesting is a very small proportion to the requirement of fresh water to sustain the ecology. In near future there will be a pan India ecological crisis. Do you agree with this conclusion? Justify your argument? 
53) What is the traditional system of rainwater harvesting used in Rajasthan?
54)   Define the term 'Dam'.
55)   Mention any three water harvesting systems practiced in India.
56)   Why may an area or region having ample water resources still faces water scarcity? 
57) On the map of India given below, identify and label the following rivers (i) on which the Sardar Sarovar dam is being built. (ii) on which the Hirakud dam is built. (iii) on which a sophisticated water harvesting system channelling the flood water was built in the 1st century BC. (iv) on whose waters there is a dispute between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. 
58)   On the map of India given below, mark and label the locations of the following dams (i) Mettur (ii) Koyna (iii) Tehri (iv) Nagarjuna Sagar 
59)     On the map of India given below, mark and label the states where the following rainwater harvesting systems are found (i) Underground tanks or tankas for storing drinking water. (ii) Bamboo drip crop irrigation system. (iii) Diversion channels like 'Guls or 'Kuls for agriculture. (iv) A village having 200 households with rooftop rainwater harvesting systems installed.  
60)   How is freshwater obtained?
61)   What is water caused?
62)   How is water scarcity caused?
63)   How is industrialization responsible for water crisis?
64)   How did urbanization lead to water scarcity?
65)   How did we conserve water during ancient times?
66)   What is a dam?
67)   What are the benefits of dams?
68)   With which approach were multi-purpose projects launched after independence?
69)   Why did Jawahar Lal Nehru proclaim dams as 'Temples of modern India'?
70)   Why have multipurpose dams come under great scrutiny?
71)   Why are local communities displaced for bringing up multi-purpose projects?
72)   What was 'Narmada Bachao Andolan'?
73)   How do dams create inflicts between people wanting different uses and benefits from the same water resources?
74)   How can dams cause floods?
75)   What is the viable alternative of multipurpose projects?
76)   How did people in ancient times exercise water harvesting system?
77)   What were 'Kuls' or 'Guls'?
78)   How did people in West Bengal practice water harvesting?
79)   What were 'johads' and 'khadins'?
80)   What are 'tankas'?
81)   What does 'Palar Pani' mean?
82)   Is rain water harvesting practiced these days in western Rajasthan?
83)   How is Gendathur included as one of the rare villages to adopt rainwater harvesting?
84)   Which state is the only state which has made rooftop rainwater harvesting compulsory?
85)   What is bamboo drip irrigation? 
86)     What are the main causes of water scarcity?
87)   Give reasons for the need of conservation of water.
88)   What are the advantages of a multi-purpose project?
89)   Why have multi-purpose projects and large dams come under great scrutiny and opposition?
90)   What do you know about the 'Narmada Bachao Andolan'?
91)   Explain how water becomes a renewable resource.
92)   Give various methods of rainwater harvesting since ancient times.
93)   What was Gendathur renowned for?
94)   What do you know about 'tankas'?
95)   What does qualitative scarcity of water mean?
96)   What are the main culprits of the assault on Indian rivers?
97)   What is a dam? What types of dams are built?
98)   Why did Jawaharlal Nehru proudly proclaim the dams as the 'temples of modem India'?
99)   What do you know about river-water dispute between the states of India? 
100)   In what ways are intensive industrialization and urbanization responsible for water scarcity?
101)   How have multi-purpose projects and large dams been the cause of many new social movements?
102)   Describe how modem adaptations of traditional rainwater harvesting methods are being carried out to conserve and store water.
103)   What do you know about the 'Bamboo-Drip Irrigation System'?
104)   Give a brief description of 'Hydrological Cycle'.
105)   What do you understand by Quantitative Scarcity of water?
106)   What do you know about hydraulic structures in ancient India?
107)   Here are some false statements; identify the mistakes and rewrite them correctly. (i) Multiplying urban centres with large and dense population and urban lifestyles have helped in proper utilization of water resources. (ii) Regulating and damming of rivers does not affect the river's natural flow and its sediment flow. (iii) In Gujarat, the Sabarmati basin farmers were not agitated when higher priority was given to water supply in urban areas, particularly during droughts. (iv) Today in Rajasthan, the practice of rooftop rainwater harvesting has gained popularity despite high water availability due to the Rajasthan canal. 
108)   What is the contribution of India's hydroelectric power to the total electricity produced in the country? (a) 22% (b) 30% (c) 40% (d) 50%
109)   Who had sophisticated the water harvesting system channelling the flood water of Ganga? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Sringaverapura (d) None of these
110)   During whose reign were the dams, lakes and irrigation systems built extensively? (a) Ashoka (b) Chandragupta Maurya (c) Akbar (d) None of these
111)   When was the largest artificial lake built? (a) 16th century (b) 17th century (c) 18th century (d) 11th century
112)   What was regarded as part of well-developed rooftop rainwater harvesting in Rajasthan? (a) Matkas (b) Tankas (c) Kuls (d) None of these
113)   What was the other name for rainwater in semi-arid and arid regions? (a) Pani (b) Barish pani (c) Kaccha pani (d) Palar pani
114)   Which place in India receives the highest rainfall? (a) Cherrapunjee (b) Mawsynram (c) Kolkata (d) None of these
115)   Where is rooftrop rainwater harvesting most common? (a) Manipur (b) Meghalaya (c) Darjeeling (d) Himachal
116)   Which state has made rooftop rainwater harvesting compulsory for all houses across the state? (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka (c) Maharashtra (d) Tamil Nadu     
117) What are the main reasons for the water scarcity these days?
118) Give an example of any one state of India, where rainwater harvesting is taken seriously.
119) It is said that multipurpose projects serve a number of purposes but simultaneously lead to lot of problems too. Is it true?
120) How will water scarcity have its impact on our lives?

121) What are the main reasons for the water scarcity these days?